Friday, October 24, 2008

Lazy Friday morning and future thoughts

It's a lazy Friday morning and I decided I should write again since it's been a little while.

My PT applications are all off. It is out of my hands and it is a terribly frightening but also exciting feeling. Last week mom came in my room and asked me what was wrong (I must have appeared frazzled). I simply pointed over to my bed that had multiple manila envelopes on it stuffed, essentially, with the past three to four years of my life. That is the, for a lack of a better term, weirdest feeling I have probably ever felt. Along with that feeling came the panic where I began to wonder if all that I have done is good enough. Will I even get an interview? I sure hope so...

People have been asking me which school I want to go to and it is no lie when I respond, "the one that accepts me." If I do end up being accepted to more than one school then I will need to be choosy, but until then I'm just left hoping I get in somewhere. I also firmly believe that if I get in more than one place it will be clear where I need to be after my interviews. For the first time the uncertainty does not scare me in a numbing sort of way because I am confident that I will be guided in the right direction. This whole thing is so exciting I could burst!

Also had a birthday last week. I swear, the older you get, the faster time seems to fly by. Not that I'm old by any means, but these next couple years are going to be some monumental ones in my life.
I'll be graduating with my bachelors degree in just two months (bought my cap and gown yesterday!), will start hearing back from PT schools within the next one to two months, will hopefully have interviews and will get in, which means I'll be starting PT school next year. If all goes as planned, which realistically I know rarely happens, I'll be graduating with a DPT degree in three years, and then...? Well I'm hoping marriage and family to be quite honest. So with all that coming up it seems like time should slow down a bit so I can process it all and keep up.

What's my plan B you may ask? Well for now I am planning on taking things as they come. The year 2009 should be interesting because I have no solid plans as of yet. I do plan on taking some classes at a community college in the Spring to meet some outstanding pre-requisites and I definitely need to work, but beyond that, who knows? And of course a visit to Switzerland is also on the agenda, since I'll be spending Christmas here in the States and not there (only the second Christmas I'll have been here since I've lived here, which is a huge deal to me and it's gonna be hard not going home for Christmas). Beyond that, if I don't get into PT school, well then I will try again. I don't really have much else to say about that because right now I do not plan on not getting in.=) Optimistic? Yes! Overly optimistic? Probably. But it's keeping me sane right now and as a person who does not deal well with uncertainty it is my only survival technique.

Now this post has gotten quite lengthy. My apologies to anyone reading it.=)

I think I'm gonna get up and do something with myself. Get this beautiful day started.

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